
PRO Bundle

Course Bundle Overview

Courses in the Bundle

After The Mind ( 🚧 soon)

Internally 2. Externally 1.

The M2 Academy Method

Do this daily & exactly as described and it’s absolutely impossible you don’t grow your mixed voice and even fix your transitions. It works really […]

Behind The Mind

Coaching videos on the psychological adventures of going from a baritone to tenor. Some people get that naturally… but for those who don’t, like it […]

Mastering The Illusion

Learn how to always be in control of every note in your voice – sing Like A Stone and Man In The Box today, learn […]

The Science Of Distortion

Distortion can be taught scientifically. And in 15 minutes. With this method, singers usually get it within the first week. Double harmonic distortion is also […]

Instant Mixed Voice

Sing your first powerful B4 or C5 today. Everything you need.

Original price was: $484.00.Current price is: $399.00.
$85.00 OFF
  • Duration 05:34:05
  • Lessons 107
  • Last Update September 12, 2024